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The Temple of Zeus

A fine Brussels Mythological Tapestry,

Flemish, c1625-50.

After designs by Maarten de Vos.
Of wool and silk threads, retaining fresh original colour.

Height: 7ft 11in (242cm)  Width: 10ft 11in (333cm)
This tapestry comes from the Seven Wonders of the World series, this being the Temple of Zeus, with the Olympic games of wrestlers in contest before the statue of Zeus executed by Phidias in gold and ivory at Olympia and flanked by a statue of Hercules.

On the right can be seen a Hellandicae, one with the duties to judge and maintain order, seated on a throne and awarding the garland of sacred olive to a victor, he is surrounded by a number of attendants. In the centre foreground can be seen another Hellandicae, seated on a plinth being handed another garland, to the left a couple, the man in classical armor with flowing cloak, observing the proceedings.

The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco have in their collection The Pyramids of Egypt from The Seven Wonders series.

The tapestry is in remarkable fresh, original condition and the colouring is more lively than those frequently found from this period with additional use of red and blue, the norm being yellow and green tones. Also as a series the Seven Wonders of the World has not been woven repeatedly, unlike other more popular series.

Literature: Anna Gray Bennett, Five centuries of Tapestry from the Fine Art Museum of San Francisco, 1992, pp. 191-193, no 55.
Price : £ 75,000
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