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An Antwerp Verdure Tapestry


Flemish, circa 1700.


10ft 8ins  x  6ft 11ins   :   325cm  x  210cm


The town of Antwerp was a major weaving centre and  commercial market for tapestry. Numerous subjects were woven including Verdure forest/woodland scenes. The quality of weave was generally superior than those produced at Aubusson in France.

The present tapestry has a certain poetic lightness in the execution of the design, with trees and plants, all having an individual presence, normally they come in over-crowded groups with no definition. There are birds in the tree tops and in the foreground a dog chasing a hare, also of note is the fruit bearing tree in the centre, of medieval period design. In the middle ground can be seen a farm house and in the far distance, a larger house. The touches of red colour in the floral detail is a rare addition.

Price : £ 34,000
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