St Paul arrives on the Island of Malta.
A Flemish Biblical Tapestry. Circa 1670.
12ft 4in x 6ft 6in : 375cm x 198cm
The Biblical scene is that of the Apostle Paul who, after being falsely accused and imprisoned, is taken from Ceasarea near Jerusalem, to Rome by ship under military escort. He is seen here arriving in the Mediterranean island of Malta after the ship carrying him is shipwrecked after a violent storm, the cargo being thrown overboard, which failed to save the ship.
The locals on the island lit up a fire to heat the shipwrecked survivors and a snake emerges biting St Paul, as is depicted and his miraculous survival impressed the islanders who bought other local people to be healed by him. After three months on the island they set forth to Rome again with the islanders providing all the provisions for the journey as gratitude, St Paul is regarded as the person who brought Christianity to the island and with the protection of God.