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Keshishian CarpetsKeshishian CarpetsKeshishian Carpets

A Viennese Art Deco Carpet

Austria, circa 1930.

21ft 7in  x  18ft 10in  :   658cm  x  574cm
This rare carpet of exceptionally large size, has a design based on a carpet by Gertrud Hantschk-Arndt in 1923 for the office of Walter Gropius at the Bauhaus. It is interesting to note that Arndt was influenced by Paul Klee who began teaching at the Bauhaus in 1921 and was particularly involved with the weaving workshop.

The present carpet is a woven interpretation of Klee’s magic squares, with the relationship between complementary colours placed next to each other and the movement this creates. This predates the concepts of the Op-Art movement by forty years, the present carpet is truly a unique piece.

Of exceptional quality wool and retaining original colours.

Susan Day, Art Deco and Modernist Carpets, Thames and Hudson, 2002. Page 103, plates 136 & 137.
Price : P.O.A.
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