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A Danish Psychedelic carpet

Circa 1960s

11ft 4in x 8ft 2in  :  332cm x 236cm
The 1960s was a period of changes, led by the younger generation, it was a break from the traditions of the past and the emphasis was on the now. All areas of culture came under this change, fashion, politics, music, decoration, social taboos, with experimental drugs one could be free to express and experience the new horizons.

The present carpet, of modern hallucinating imagery is a typical product from this era, which became known as the Swinging Sixties. Made in Denmark, one of the Scandinavian countries that influenced progressive design and is a rare survivor as many were discarded once the fad/fashion was over.

Also of note is the large format as most of these carpets were of small rug size and the excellent condition. Can be used as a hanging or for the floor.
Price : £ 8,500
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